Holiday Guys Gift Guide 2019

This was a popular request, so I figured I would start out with our guys. I am really excited about this year's holiday shopping for my man. I feel like I might have some great ideas for him! 
Here we go! 

I have listed each link out for you to just click on and it will take you right to the product to shop! I tried to find a variety of things based on so much feedback from yall. I am really loving 3, and 6 for my guy. The Travel French press I got Luc last year for Christmas and it was a slam dunk!
Click on the word and it will send you right to the page.

1. Record Player 

2. Men's Rain Jacket 

3. Key or wallet Finder 

4. Hookey Ring Toss Game 

5. Cooling Pint Glasses

6. Beard Bib

7. Tech Bag

8. Tech Docking Station

9. All in one travel french press

10. North Face Pullover 

I do make a small commission if you shop from the links provided. I would love to hear what else you are looking for this Holiday Season! I am starting to put up the tree this weekend!

Happy Shopping gals!
Kristine Ashley