It's in the Bag!

So, I had debated for like months on whether or not to indulge in the season's "it" bag. I also wasn't really sure if it looked like me. Accessories to me are very important and speak volumes about your personal style.  I wasn't sure if this screamed KK. However, I found this gem at H&M half price! I didn't want to spend a fortune, because I rotate bags to quickly. I also love that it is a yummy neutral color. 
Here are a couple of looks from this week. I think I was trying to prove to myself that I could wear this bag with anything in my closet. My amazing fringe kimono, my fun citrine and army green combo, and then my super fun pink scarf ensemble. Maybe you will be inspired to find a "bucket bag" of your own!

BTW .....have you seen my Fringe necklace? It is beyond! You can shop it through my instagram @kristineashleystyle


Power of Pink

Sharing a couple pics of my favorite April looks. I am a sucker for anything pink and leopard. Sorry for the bathroom selfie, it was pouring down rain on Easter Sunday. My entire skirt on the right side was soaked all the way to church that day. I had to air dry it in the bathroom, before service started. Gotta love North Texas weather!

When I saw this soft pink leopard top, I freaked. It is perfect for spring. Of course I paired it with my amazing fringe necklace from Purple Peridot!

With May quickly approaching I am already thinking about graduation and graduation parties. What will you be wearing?

Happy Wednesday!!


follow me on instagram @kristineashleystyle  PS I have teamed up with some shops and other fab bloggers for a big giveaway in May!

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Thief of Comparison

I have been thinking a lot about this phrase lately.

Since we are in an age of social media overload, we can be anyone we want to be online. We compare everything we see out there, because it must be real and true.

I don't want to be anyone but myself. How do we manage that?
I want my relationship with Jesus to be authentic, to be mine, not what some one else's is. I used to be able to spend hours studying and pouring over the Word. Life changes. Being married with  2 kiddos, managing our house, as well as doing ministry.  I don't always have those hours everyday. I may have 30 minutes. Why would I compare myself to another? One who is able to spend countless hours in the Word? Why am I not encouraging her and praying for her. Instead I allow myself to fall into a pit of "I am not doing that, so I am not godly".
Enter the comparison thief.
What works for one woman may not work for another. We all have different seasons of our lives. Some are busier than others. I want to be so much more than the wife my husband needs. I want to encourage him. Be his biggest fan, best friend, supporter. I want to be a joyful, grace giving, gentle mother. I can't be those things if I am comparing myself to others.
When I allow myself to be overcome with doubt, fear, insecurity, I become paralyzed and completely useless.
Do you find yourself fighting to be who God has called you to be?
I am who He created me to be, a child covered in grace, through the cross.
When I release my desires, hopes, dreams to the Lord I can find peace. He doesn't compare me to another. He loves me where I am. Broken, weary, insecure, fearful.
When I embrace my calling to Him, I no longer have to compare myself to another.
Be original! Embrace all the things in life you love to do. God has gifted each of us in different ways. Don't be afraid to let those gifts out. I for some reason find myself apologizing for liking things or using gifts that are God given.  Can my fashion obsession be God give?
With the encouragement of my amazing hubby and some dear friends, you "elsa that" and press on.
I will not be mastered by the "thief of comparison" today.

Anyone else out there find this to be true?

Because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed, for his compassion never fail. They are new every morning, great is your faithfulness. Psalms 3:22-23


On the Fringe

What can I say to describe the most sought after spring trend? Run to your computer and buy something with fringe on it.
Here is some helpful info, if you are on the verge of wanting fringe, but not too much. I have the answers.
H&M has some adorable fringe bags, in beautiful colors. All under $40.
You can shop for fringe booties, use my code KRISTINEASHLEYSTYLE to save %10 at purchase.
I acquired a fringe kimono this past weekend from Nordstrom's Rack.
And last but not least, let's just take a moment and breathe over this amazing fringe necklace.
I have been looking at this necklace for like 3 months. I recently became a brand rep with Purple Peridot, I love everything on their site. So this necklace stared at me every time I opened Instagram.
If you saw my last blog post, you know clothes talk to me.
It is an incredible piece. I can't wait to style it back to everything in my closet. I wore it to a birthday lunch for my bestie. I would and will wear this with a t-shirt and jeans. Dress up or dress down, get yourself some fringe.



Seeing Blue

Since moving I have discovered that I own a lot of black clothes. I know shocking...or maybe not that shocking. Every time I wear a print or color, people comment on how nice I look. I am beginning to think they are encouraging me to not wear all black. (don't worry I could never give up wearing black)  
However, I do love a good print. This top screamed at me in the store, so I scooped it up.  I am not always a fan of shopping large department stores. But I couldn't resist this guy. 
It is a peplum high/low, I know the best of all worlds. Super light weight and will be totally transitional to fall! 
I love it when clothes jump off the rack and say "take me home"
Do clothes often speak to me, yes, yes they do.  
What are your favorite spring pieces? Am I the only one who talks to their clothes?

Happy Print Shopping


follow me on instagram @kristineashleystyle


As a girl I always dreamed about the man I would marry. The wedding of course, the dress, walking down the aisle.  I have a crazy love for weddings, and planning weddings. This is probably why I tell Luc on a regular basis "we could have another wedding I want to buy a giant dress full of black feathers" I know... I have problems. 
I love being Luc's wife. It has much more meaning to me now, being married for almost 9 years. I love my man more today than I did 5 minutes ago. I can't tell you how blessed I am to be his wife. 

I wear a lot of hats. The most important hat I wear is my wifey one! 
Pastor's Wife, Student Pastors, Momma, KK, Mrs. Kristine, KA, Ashley, Momma K, Sister, Daughter. Just to name a few. So when I saw this tee I snatched it up! My sweet friend at SMD boutique has the cutest things! 

I hope you remember what an honor it is to be a wifey! 
Love your man, encourage, pray him up, tell him how proud of him you are! Your's is the only opinion that matters!
Lots of babble, but maybe it will speak to someone! 

Springtime Obsession

I have been completely swamped with life that I have neglected blogging for the past couple of weeks.  So many things have happened I am not sure where to catch you up. Why not start with this jacket. I might be obsessed with this! It is seriously adorable!

We hosted a Sisterhood luncheon at my church a couple weeks ago and I was desperate to find something with leaves on it! Leaves, I know. This jacket was a steal of a deal and I can't tell you how much I love styling it back to a tee or over my chambray shirt!

I am including some pics from the luncheon too if you are looking for a little table inspiration. Leopard, Kelly Green, and Gold. They might be my love language!
It is amazing what you can do with paper, confetti, tea cups, flowers, and oh those pink tapers!!! Swoon! I was adamant about those pink tapers!!!

So good to be back!


Follow me on Instagram @kristineashleystyle

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