Jack Pot

So I have literally been searching for like a year for a great pair of leopard shoes!
Guess what? I found some!
I am a big supporter of shopping small business, they are hard working gals, and you know they put their heart and soul into the product they sell.
So when I stumbled upon this cute Instagram account and saw these booties, I was as giddy as a school girl. I am super picky about the actual print of the leopard, and these were my fav!
They fit true to size and shipping was so fast!
www.StaceyDuenas.OrigamiOwl.com to shop my shoes!

Hope you have a great Monday!


My favorite

Since it has been so cold here I refuse to go out shopping. I would rather stay home, where it is warm and cozy by the fire.
So I updated my fav sweater this week. I love mixing different scarfs into my looks, which add a fun pop of color. My rain boots were a gift from my sweet Momma. I think like 3 years ago from Target.
My sweater is from JesslaBoutique.com
Scarf is Stella and Dot
Earrings are Stella and Dot
Bracelets are Fornash and Stella and Dot

Don't forget to follow me on Instagram for giveaways and daily pics! @kristineashleystyle
BTW ... I found some new hair products that I am going to be sharing later!
Layer up!!!

New House

I thought I would take the time to share with everyone some news from the Ashley house this week.

Through the favor of the Lord and lots of prayer, we have found a new house!
It may seem like just another day of house hunting...but you don't live in Frisco.
The market is so insane here. When a house is listed it is literally under contract that day.
My dear friend Monica, who is an incredibly talented realtor would not stop looking for our house.

I had specific things I was asking the Lord to give us that I knew we couldn't provide on our own. Bella even started asking the Lord in her prayers for certain things. It has been so amazing to see how the Lord has taken each request and answered in His time.
He was more than gracious and faithful to our request.

We had put offers on 2 other homes, and had been out bid by cash buyers. These 2 homes were homes we would have been happy in. However,  they were not the perfect combination of our wants and needs. One night 2 weeks ago when the weather was gross and cold, a house came through in a neighborhood that both Luc really liked. The house was way bigger than anything we had seen on the market. It was listed at a price that was in our range (shockingly), and had everything on our wants and needs list. That house came on the market at 5:45pm, Monica got us into the house at 7:15pm. Our hope and faith of having a house where we could entertain more, have an upstairs for kids and guest's, and be in an area near our church family had been answered!

Seriously, the Lord's hand was in every step of our process. To think that if we had settled for something, we would be missing out on something even greater that the Lord longed to give us.

I feel this way so often in my life and walk with the Lord. How many times do we create a box for the Lord to stay in? My Pastor talked about this weekend "imagined rules". How often do we dismiss His affection and attention to detail over every area over our life? We create rules in our head that the Lord doesn't care about those silly details or our desires. How arrogant of us. What about you? Have you put the Lord in a box, only to miss out on something greater the Lord has waiting? To quote my fav woman (Beth Moore "Beloved" submit yourself before the Lord. He is faithful, you need only be still. What God has in store for you is greater than what you imagined or dreamed. He wants us to remain faithful to Him. Not so He can give us things, but so we can walk with Him. So we can see Him in His glory.

Walking humbly on this beautiful journey.
Be Encouraged Beloved!
